As with any setting, it`s important to tailor it to your own needs and culture. When implementing working arrangements in your team, consider the most appropriate approach. For other readings and examples of employment contracts, we advise you: Finally, retrospectively and according to the effectiveness of your employment contracts to deepen the knowledge of your team. Let`s start with the definition: working modalities are standards or guidelines developed by a team to improve their interactions in order to achieve superior performance and create a common language. In practice, these agreements define the expectations of the groups, define the modes of cooperation and create the necessary atmosphere for sensitive and psychologically safe work. 4 Labor Conventions Employment contracts are the basic rules that groups establish to guide their work and influence the behavior of members, to produce and improve the behavior of members, to work productively and efficiently, to listen to the participation of waiting time Waiting time Conflict resolution policy of decision-making technology These are some areas that generally set standards for teams around technology – the use of the Development Standards for IT/mobile teams. 3 Standards “Ultimately, standards help a group determine if it functions as a powerful team or if it simply becomes a loose set of people working together.” -Goleman Turn around and talk to a shoulder partner about this quote to set the context for work arrangements with your team. As a group, you can use whiteboards (physical or numeric), sticky notes, spreadsheets, or flip charts. Work modalities are often used in the Agile context, but can be used by any team. Through the work agreement process, teams gain increased awareness of the interaction between individuals. 2 Employment contracts/standard contracts The one at your tables: What experiences and/or teams have you had in the past with work agreements/standards? Employment contracts have quickly become an essential part of modern and successful teams.

You may have heard the term being launched, especially as new teams, but is it worth talking to your own team? To keep the debate on track, use moderation techniques like the first of five to reach consensus among all collective agreements. Save often and remember that agreements can always be renegotiated, especially when new members join or situations change. Each new team has a strong dynamic, with individuals preferring a certain mix of behaviors and practices. Respect your uniqueness! 11 All teams share their working modalities It`s easy to embark on projects with new teams, but the working modalities create the kind of solid foundation needed for effective collaboration, especially between people with different backgrounds, assumptions, and experiences. The Premium Pro 50GB plan gives you the option to download a copy of your folder to your local computer. More information If an email has not been created automatically for you, please copy and paste the following information into an email: It appears that Javascript is disabled. Please enable Javascript in your browser. .